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Privacy Policy • SolarDashboard

Privacy Policy


With the following data protection declaration, we would like to inform you about the types of your personal data (hereinafter also referred to as “data”) that we process, for what purposes and to what extent in the context of providing our application.

Latest Update: April 25 2024


The SolarDashboard app enables performance monitoring of solar systems and power-based control of electronic devices or charging of electric vehicles in conjunction with third-party providers.

Processing of data from third parties

This requires a login to a third-party provider to view solar system data. The login token or cookie is securely stored in the iOS keychain or WebView cookie store. Additionally, SolarDashboard offers a login for electric vehicles. The tokens are securely stored on your device in the iOS keychain. You can log out of the third-party service at any time to delete the access token or cookie.

For error analysis (e.g., app crashes) and usage behavior, SolarDashboard uses Google Firebase (Analytics and Crashlytics) services. The use of these services is voluntary and can be adjusted at any time in the app’s settings.

Data from the solar system, such as power generation and consumption, vehicle data (e.g., battery status, consumption), and location data of the solar system and the car (for determining the charging location), are loaded and processed within the app. These values remain in SolarDashboard and are not stored or processed externally.

Responsible body and revocation

Responsible body for the collection, processing and use of personal data within the meaning of the Federal Data Protection Act is the:
Bachstraße 22
52066 Aachen, Germany

E-Mail: info@tapwork.de
Phone: +49-241-89439440

Registered office:
Aachen: HRB 25990

Processing overview

The following overview summarizes the types of data processed and the purposes of their processing and refers to the data subjects

Types of data processed

  • Usage data
  • Meta, communication and procedural data
  • Errors and crashes of the app
  • Email address
  • Name

Processing purposes

  • Reach measurement
  • Profiles with user-related information
  • Provision of our online offer and user experience
  • Crash and error detection to optimize the app
  • Customer support via email

Applicable legal bases

The following is an overview of the legal basis of the GDPR on the basis of which we process personal data. Please note that in addition to the provisions of the GDPR, national data protection regulations may apply in your or our country of residence or domicile. If, in addition, more specific legal bases are relevant in individual cases, we will inform you of these in the data protection declaration.

  • Consent (Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 lit. a) DSGVO) – The data subject has given his/her consent to the processing of personal data concerning him/her for a specific purpose or purposes.

In addition to the data protection regulations of the GDPR, national regulations on data protection apply in Germany. These include, in particular, the Act on Protection against Misuse of Personal Data in Data Processing (Federal Data Protection Act – BDSG). In particular, the BDSG contains special regulations on the right to information, the right to erasure, the right to object, the processing of special categories of personal data, processing for other purposes and transmission, as well as automated decision-making in individual cases, including profiling. Furthermore, it regulates data processing for employment purposes (Section 26 BDSG), in particular with regard to the establishment, implementation or termination of employment relationships as well as the consent of employees. Furthermore, state data protection laws of the individual federal states may apply.

Security measures

We take appropriate technical and organizational measures in accordance with the legal requirements, taking into account the state of the art, the implementation costs and the nature, scope, circumstances and purposes of the processing, as well as the different probabilities of occurrence and the extent of the threat to the rights and freedoms of natural persons, in order to ensure a level of protection appropriate to the risk.

The measures include, in particular, safeguarding the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data by controlling physical and electronic access to the data as well as access to, input of, disclosure of, assurance of availability of and segregation of the data. Furthermore, we have established procedures to ensure the exercise of data subjects’ rights, the deletion of data, and responses to data compromise. Furthermore, we already take the protection of personal data into account during the development or selection of hardware, software as well as procedures in accordance with the principle of data protection, through technology design and through data protection-friendly default settings.

TLS encryption (https): To protect your data transmitted via our online offer, we use TLS encryption. You can recognize such encrypted connections by the prefix https:// in the address bar of your browser.

Data deletion

The data processed by us will be deleted in accordance with the legal requirements as soon as their consents permitted for processing are revoked or other permissions cease to apply (e.g. if the purpose of processing this data has ceased to apply or it is not required for the purpose). If the data are not deleted because they are required for other and legally permissible purposes, their processing will be limited to these purposes. That is, the data is blocked and not processed for other purposes. This applies, for example, to data that must be retained for reasons of commercial or tax law or whose storage is necessary for the assertion, exercise or defense of legal claims or for the protection of the rights of another natural or legal person.

Our data protection notices may also contain further details on the retention and deletion of data, which take priority for the respective processing operations.

Analysis, Crash Reporting and Optimization

The analysis (also referred to as “reach measurement”) is used to evaluate the flow of visitors to our online offering and may include behavior, interests or demographic information about visitors, such as age or gender, as pseudonymous values. With the help of reach analysis, we can recognize, for example, at what time our online offer or its functions or content are most frequently used or invite re-use. Likewise, we can understand which areas need optimization.

In addition to analysis, we may also use testing procedures, for example, to test and optimize different versions of our Online Offer or its components.

Crash Reporting
For further optimization of the app, services are used to report crashes and errors of the app. The use of Crashlytics helps us to improve and stabilize our app. For this purpose, Crashlytics records crash data and technical causes for this. As soon as the app crashes on the user’s device, Crashlytics collects data that can be used to better analyze the reason for the app crash and creates a crash report from it. With the help of this report, we can then analyze the errors and prevent them in the future by further developing the app.

Processed data
Unless otherwise stated below, profiles, i.e. data summarized for a usage process, can be created for these purposes and information can be stored in a browser, or in a terminal device and read from it. The information collected includes, in particular, websites visited and elements used there, as well as technical information such as the browser used, the computer system used, and information on usage times. Generally, in the context of analysis, A/B testing, crash reports and optimization, no clear user data (such as e-mail addresses or names) is stored, but pseudonyms. This means that we, as well as the providers of the software used, do not know the actual identity of the users, but only the information stored in their profiles for the purposes of the respective procedures.

  • Types of data processed: Usage data (e.g., pages visited in the app, web pages, interest in content, access times), meta, communication, and procedural data (e.g., timestamps, identification numbers, consent status), and app crash reports.
  • Affected persons: Users (e.g., website visitors, users of online services).
  • Purposes of processing: Reach measurement (e.g. access statistics, recognition of returning visitors); profiles with user-related information (creation of user profiles), provision of our online offer and user-friendliness, fixes of errors and optimizations of the app.
  • Safety measures: IP masking (pseudonymization of the IP address).
  • Legal basis: Consent (Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 lit. a) DSGVO).

Further guidance on processing operations, procedures and services:

  • Firebase Google Analytics, Crashlytics: Web analytics, app crashes, reach measurement, and user flow measurement; service provider: Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland

Email Contact

If you use our contact button in app to get in touch with us, we collect the following personal data that you provide: Name, Email Address. This data is used to respond to your inquiry and provide the corresponding customer service.

The legal basis for processing this data is your consent, which you give by submitting the contact form. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us or sending an email to info@tapwork.de.

We only use the data collected through the contact form for the purposes mentioned above and do not share it with third parties without your consent, unless required by law.

Your data collected through the mail app will only be stored for as long as necessary to process your inquiry, unless there are legal obligations to store it for a longer period.

We have implemented appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of your data and prevent unauthorized access, loss, misuse, or alteration.

Rights for the users

As a data subject, you are entitled to various rights under the GDPR, which arise in particular from Art. 15 to 21 GDPR:

  • Right to object: You have the right to object at any time, on grounds relating to your particular situation, to the processing of personal data concerning you which is carried out on the basis of Article 6(1)(e) or (f) DSGVO; this also applies to profiling based on these provisions. If the personal data concerning you is processed for the purpose of direct marketing, you have the right to object at any time to the processing of personal data concerning you for the purpose of such marketing; this also applies to profiling insofar as it is related to such direct marketing.
  • Right to withdraw consent: You have the right to revoke any consent given at any time.
  • Right to information: you have the right to request confirmation as to whether data in question is being processed and to information about this data, as well as further information and a copy of the data in accordance with the legal requirements.
  • Right to rectification: you have the right, in accordance with the law, to request that data concerning you be completed or that inaccurate data concerning you be rectified.
  • Right to erasure and restriction of processing: In accordance with the legal requirements, you have the right to demand that data concerning you be deleted without delay, or alternatively, in accordance with the legal requirements, to demand restriction of the processing of the data.
  • Right to data portability: You have the right to receive data concerning you, which you have provided to us, in a structured, common and machine-readable format in accordance with the legal requirements, or to demand its transfer to another responsible party.
  • Complaint to the supervisory authority: Without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial remedy, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, in particular in the Member State of your habitual residence, your place of work or the place of the alleged infringement, if you consider that the processing of personal data relating to you infringes the requirements of the GDPR.